Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Literature Review (Melissa) Part 1: Age Differences in Dating

Current Anthropology, Vol. 39, No. 3 (June 1998), pp. 374-380
Age Differences in Dating and Marriage: Reproductive Strategies or Social Preferences?
Anthony Davis

The sociobiological argument in respect to human mating is concerned with the observed differences in average age of male and female preferences. Research is based on two different sets of data representing age preference. The first is a study of personals advertisements, and the second from an examination of records of 19th century marriages.

The author is arguing that the reason most males tend to date someone even slightly younger than them as opposed to them being older has to do with spreading their seed. Even if it is only a subconscious decision a male wants to make sure that it's going to the most fertile companion possible. They are not implying that older women aren't fertile, but rather generalizing that a younger woman has a higher chance at becoming pregnant than an older one. On the other hand, females usually look for an older male to be able to support them and their offspring. The author also goes on to analyze how the age preferences sometimes change as they get older based on surveys.

Spyrou, A. "Initial Encounters of Young Men and Women: Impressions and Disclosure Estimates." Sex Roles 50.9 (2004): 699-709.
In this article the author talks about how men and women are affected during their first impressions or encounters with someone. They base their feelings on how open or not open they are, the kind of communication, etc. It also analyzes how much information about themselves they will release when they just meet someone and the effects that it might have on the other person. One of it's sources that it utilizes for these findings is a dating website that allows you to talk to someone for 8 minutes and then forces you to make a decision to keep talking or not.

Marketing Molly and Melville: Dating in a postmodern, consumer society; Jagger E. Sociology; 2001 Vol. 35, p39-57, 19p.
This is the first of a two part analysis of dating for this author. In this article he analyzes everything that goes into the crucial decision process when it comes to dating someone. All the information is based on an analysis of one hundred dating advertisements and what was placed on them, also the order of preference. It also includes references to some of the stereotypes of what men and women might look for and what social conditions might be inhibiting them from finding someone to date.

Is Thirty the New Sixty? Dating, Age and Gender in a Postmodern, Consumer Society.

Sociology [0038-0385] Jagger yr:2005 vol:39 iss:1 pg:89 -106
This author is building upon one of his previous researches with this article. Here they examine the ages at which people will stop putting themselves out there in the dating scene. It also looks at the groups that they are in fact advertising themselves to, whether it be significantly younger individuals, same age, etc. It also address the "cougar" theory in which older women might go after a younger male to give her a sense of youth.

Sex and age differences in preferences and tactics of mate attraction: Analysis of published advertisements; Greenlees, I. A.; McGrew, W. C. Ethology and Sociobiology; 1994 Vol. 15, p59-72, 14p.
This article takes a look at how individuals might select their mates during the dating process. The information is mainly based on observations from Spain advertisements in personal ads. It takes a look at what one might advertise they can offer or what they are looking for. It covers everything from age, required physical characteristics
, social class level, and more. Then the author goes on to analyze the trends.

Caron, Sandra L. "Dating Preferences of Women Born Between 1945 and 1960." Journal of family issues 25.6 (2004): 833-46.
In this article the author is comparing how older women (35-50) date and what sort of experiences they have had versus that of a younger crowd (20-25). It looks at characteristics, if the men are younger or older, etc. The author also says that the results from this study might cause a need for women to re-evaluate what they are looking for. Their criteria needs to be adjusted and appropriate for their age group or "league".

Courtship American Style: Newspaper ads; Cameron, Catherine; Oskamp, Stuart; William, Sparks The Family Coordinator; 1977 Vol. 26, p27-30, 4p.
This author takes a look at what the American way of dating has come to be. A lot of people will utilize personal ads in newspapers or websites now and this analyzes what they put on it. However, it also takes at look at the ones that might offer something for something different in return. The author goes even further to compare some of the personal ads today to a company trying to promote and sell their stock. Some of the ads analyzed in this article even go as far as talking about different sexual roles and what sort of response they might get.

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